Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Pass the Soup

Is it because I'm getting old that I have these thoughts?

Today I went to grab a coffee and the coffee-ista, or coffee artist or whatever it is they call themselves, had two fairly large metal ball piercings. One through each of her cheeks. 

All I could think was, 'when this young lady eats soup, does it leak out and drip down the sides of her face? ...well, if it doesn't now, it sure will when she realizes that she has outgrown her rebellious years and removes the metal balls, for you can fill in a hole in the ground, but however will you fill in a hole in your face?'

I'm not intolerant or particularily judge-y. People make their own choices and I say all the power to them, but I just wonder sometimes how well people think things through.

But then, who knows. Maybe she doesn't even like soup.


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